Zonder I appreciate your efforts to address this interesting topic, but I need to point out that when they talk about "anti-vector immunity" they are NOT talking about immunity to any of the variant SARS-CoV2 coronaviruses. They are talking about immunity to the cultured adenoviruses that some of the other vaccines, like the J&J/Jansen, use to try to get your body to recognize the "spike protein" and attack it, by adding the genes for S protein to the adenovirus. The Pfizer/ModeRNA mRNA vaccines are supposed to be using lipid bubbles with mRNA (codes for specific protiens) encapsulated inside the bubble, and in theory your body's cells will suck the little lipid (fat/oil) bubbles inside themselves, as potential nutrients, which releases the "S" mRNA sequence, which then moves to your ribosomes and gets used as a template to create the S proteins. The S Proteins then either express on that cell's exterior membrane or are pushed out into your bloodstream where your immune system will mount a response, creating matching antibodies which remain in serum to attack any SARS-CoV2 which later happen to enter your body. That's the theory anyway. Many believe that fertility reducing mRNA codes for two mutant proteins were secretly added, in an effort to reduce fertility. Sweden now has a documented 13% reduction in live births per 100K population, it actually fell along the same curve of their vax rollout uptake, and held steady at -13% (versus a five year average) once they peaked out at 70% of the population vaxed.

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Thank you for such great great research made "consumable" to someone

like me. Greatly appreciated. All makes sense. Got here via your other

essay where you convey the message from the point of view of our masters.

And it was mind-blowing to me, the realisation that you are right on that

(the plan is to harvest our conscience) I'm just hoping that it won't be achieved

in the desired volume. It's concerns mostly our, western world. The so called

"Third World" populations may retain their humanity unscathed.

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WE appreciate you..,, my great hope is that the information that you are providing, although to many will be termed a Conspiracy through time is undeniable, so the We grows to WEE and then to WEEE on and on!

Another statement that is Undeniable is that the Globalist are willing to die for their Cause because the Effect of what they have implemented through their huge jump in our Now Reality of Control through the Covid Process has awakened many that were not so!


The EFFECT; will Ultimately lead to The Great Awakening in which the Masses rebel to Destroy Their Cause and the WEEEEE's "WILL" to survive includes the fact that We have the Courage to Die for Our Freedom from Their Control!!

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Thank you for taking the time to put this together. This sort of research takes time and effort and is appreciated.

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Jul 21, 2022Liked by Zonder Reden

Truth. Totally see it. Never took the vax. Never will. This goes hand in hand with all the transhumanism efforts of scientists who are trying to use technology–chips, ports etc. so we can all link up to the cloud. Think Elon Musk and Neurolink. If you can hook up to the cloud (the collective) we can download all kinds of information in a nanosecond. Want to speak Italian? Link up! Want to know karate? Link up to keep up or get left behind you useless animal! The problem with linking up to the cloud or "web" is that if you can download anything you want, they (and who are they? CERN, DARPA, CCP, Big pharma, tech etc?) can also upload you. They can erase memories (already doing that in soldiers with PTSD in DARPA supers soldier program) and take any thoughts of freedom away. In short, linking up or taking their chip is erasing your free will, giving your consciousness away. Remember the collective I mentioned before? These globalist elites always tell us what they are planning. They just cannot help it. We've all seen Star Trek: Next Generation and Voyager. We've all seen "The Borg." Do you really want to be 7 of 9 or 249 or 769? Watch it. A cyborg race with no free will, thought or emotion. That's the plan Stan! Check out Yuval Noah Harari, the prophet of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. He's saying out loud their agenda. Why? Because it makes these sick people feel better that they got your permission before destroying you.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Zonder Reden

Figured I would respond here directly to the why question you posed on Kirsch...don't want to go to "whoo whoo" over there.

So if the crown/pineal gets blocked from source energy, God, however we want to term it, then we aren't connected to that higher level energy and lose soul connection. If our soul isn't guiding us, then what is... we're open to other "things/extraneous energies" guiding us and have, in a sense, lost our way. We know about resonance from physics. If the frequencies are depressed due to the v, people will resonate more with depressed frequencies...unless a stronger frequency of the opposite can shift their natural frequencies back more toward their normal. Apologies I am really tired and am not being as eloquent as I would be.

You mentioned eyes in your piece. I have had many friends say they see in vaxed people a dimness in their eyes...I see that too.

Many of us view the v as a form of spiritual attack and war...and cv. Also, during cv, and in those v'd, we've noticed all chakras pretty much get totally blocked, so no energy coming in and out, no flow...just hosed...I have personally viewed this as the energetic systems, body, etc going into complete protection mode to survive the assault on all levels...p, e, m, s

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